MEDIA RELEASE For Immediate Release, 26 September 2023
Melbourne, Victoria – In Good Faith Foundation (IGFF) wish to comment on the resignation of Daniel Andrews, Premier of Victoria.
Earlier this year, Premier Dan Andrews, committed to providing an apology to Survivors of abuse at Beaumaris Primary School and initiated an Inquiry into the abuse that occurred there and at other Victorian state schools.
With a change in Premier, we hope this commitment to an apology stands firm, and that the important work of his Inquiry is not hindered.
It is our hope that whomever takes on the role of Premier of Victoria, continues to champion the cause of Survivors in Victoria and builds upon the funding support so greatly needed for services like IGFF to help vulnerable Victorians that have suffered abuse.
Premier Dan Andrews has always been a friend to IGFF having personally provided our organisation its first tranche of Victorian funding.
For that, we will always be grateful, and we look forward to working with the new Premier of Victoria.
Clare Leaney
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