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Working With Survivors

a young family playing outside together, they're happy. the small boy climbs on the mothers back, and hugs her to hold on. The daughter smiles and is wearing glasses. It is cold outside and they are warm.

A guide to OUR

Support Services

At IGFF, we are dedicated to supporting Survivors of institutional sexual abuse, their families and communities

Our comprehensive services are designed to provide immediate relief and long-term recovery. We offer various support services, including casework services, referrals and information on justice pathways. Our aim is to empower survivors and help them reclaim their lives with dignity and strength on their journey to justice.

Case Work Services

Our case work services are tailored to mee the immediate and longer-term needs of Survivors.

Our professional case workers provide a safe and confidential environment where Survivors can explore their goals and needs, process their experiences and collaborate to achieve personalised outcomes. Whether you need someone to talk to, seek guidance on a justice pathway, need help navigating the complexities of trauma or seek specialist support to another practical matter, our staff are here to support you.

Support and Referrals

Navigating the aftermath of child sexual abuse can be overwhelming. We offer comprehensive support services to assist survivors in finding the right resources and support networks.

Our team can connect you with specialised services, including legal advice, long-term therapy options, and community support groups. We are committed to ensuring that you do not face this journey alone.

Redress Support

In Good Faith Foundation is a Redress Support Service provider. We offer free and confidential support to anyone considering applying to the National Redress Scheme.

The National Redress Scheme provides acknowledgment and support to people who experienced institutional child sexual abuse.

Created in response to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, which estimated that 60,000 people experienced institutional child sexual abuse in Australia.

The National Redress Scheme

Redress may be an alternative to seeking compensation through the courts.

The National Redress Scheme can provide three things:

  1. Access to counselling;
  2. A payment; and
  3. A direct personal response from the institution (e.g. an apology) for people who want one.

The scheme started on 1 July 2018 and will run for 10 years.

In Good Faith Foundation can provide more information about the Scheme and who can apply. We can also help you decide whether you want to apply, fill out the form and support you throughout the process.

We can connect you with free (legal or community based) and financial support services to so you know your options.

Our Foundation Services

IGFF provides an extensive range of case management and advocacy support services to Survivors, families, whistle-blowers and communities impacted by institutional abuses.

Our work encompasses reports of sexual and other assaults during childhood and/or as vulnerable adults, whistle blowers and reports of systemic abuses and institutional mishandling.

IGFF staff can:

  • Provide individuals with access to justice pathways including police reporting, civil litigation, legal mediation and redress
  • Facilitate warm referrals to a platform of independent professional associates providing expert mental health care, legal representation, welfare and pastoral support other support services, and
  • Provide social welfare care and support.
Community engagement through the Victorian Survivors' Collective (formerly the MVC – Melbourne Victims' Collective) encourages Survivors to provide feedback, engage with practitioners, government and institutional leaders, and contribute to IGFF’s strategic priorities.

IGFF also provides facilitation and co-ordination of memorial projects including plaques and ceremonies involving Survivors, community members and institutional leaders.

In collaboration with other professionals, IGFF has assisted in developing research and providing community development and education forums.

IGFF has been called on to provide consultation for organisational review, policy and procedural development and legislative feedback to State and Federal Governments, Institutions and other support services. Over several years, IGFF has provided significant written and verbal submissions to National and State Government Inquiries and Institutional reviews.

In Good Faith Foundation is a national charity and support service providing advocacy services to individuals, families and communities impacted by institutional abuse for over 20 years.

Find out more

If you would like to find out further information or discuss how our service might assist you, please contact us on 1300 12 IGFF (4433) or