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Media Release: George Pell has his say…again!

A Pdf of this media release can be found here

Tonight George Pell will speak to the media for the first time since last Tuesday’s ruling by the High Court.

For many years George Pell has been afforded the opportunity to speak from a position of great power and influence. Survivors and their families have not.

What tonight’s interview illustrates is the ongoing power imbalance survivors face when seeking justice and recognition.

IGFF stands with those survivors and we make them this pledge – we will not rest in our advocacy and support in your fight for justice!

There have been some in the public eye who have attempted to use last Tuesday’s result to frame George Pell as a victim, to them, I would say this:

Every day across Australia survivors and families impacted by institutional abuse shed the label of victimhood and stand strong in their fight for justice and redress.

I would hope that George Pell uses his opportunity tonight to highlight the strength of these survivors and to outline what he intends to do to achieve justice within the Catholic Church.

I fear what we’ll see instead is an exercise in self sympathy.


Clare Leaney
In Good Faith Foundation


In Good Faith Foundation is national charity and support service providing advocacy services to individuals, families and communities impacted by institutional abuse for over 20 years.

About IGFF

In Good Faith Foundation is a national charity and support service providing advocacy services to individuals, families and communities impacted by institutional abuse for almost 30 years.

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